
Anime Expo & VK Fest 2014

This was my very first time in Los Angeles, CA as well as first time at a large Anime convention such as Anime Expo! I brought two of my friends along with me for the trip, and after contacting an old friend that I haven't seen in about 3 years, we had badges to get to work. This friend is someone who I met when I was 15, at MechaCon in LA, and after meeting him, I would travel to TX to help him with the booth work there as well. It's all I look forward to now at conventions! Well, we all got there and, after some complications, we got to work. I was to model Mika Takeuchi brand, a designer of H.Naoto for 10 years, this was her first independent brand release. It's a very nice brand, very nice quality as well~ It was more hard than I expected, to model as well as bring in customers and make sales, since I had never done it before. But my boss for those days that I had just met, Mika Takeuchi's manager, had just flown in from Japan and I didn't want to disappoint him, so I tried to do my best. My friends were assisting with JHouse-Rock/JPop House and Sony music for Eir Aoi. They really enjoyed themselves more than I thought! I know that from assisting with past small convention booths, there was a lot to keep busy, and even I had never done any work compared to AX, so I was worried since they had never done anything like that before. But it was fun for us all! We worked for 4 days. I think it may have been a little more difficult for us because we were assisting others and knew they were relying on us, so we had to make sure everything was good for them. Maybe if it was our own booth it would have been a bit easier haha~ Well, one day I plan to sell NECROSARIUM there!

The most exciting day of AX was Friday. While I was about to take a small break from modeling to walk around and look at other booths, I caught one of my rockstar idols in the corner of my eye. All I had to do was say "Kenzi?" and we immediately became friends! Kenzi of ∀NTIFEMINISM had a booth there and was getting ready for VK Fest on Sunday night. It was so exciting, because even if we couldn't speak to each other very well, he would come around to talk to me every now and then, and I would take breaks to go to his booth. XENON staff would sometimes translate between us, but despite the language barrier, we talked for quite some time and planned to meet at VK Fest. Now, VK Fest was has to be one of the most fun times I have ever had! Despite me being very shy my whole life, I actually met so many cool people and made a lot of friends! I had never been able to talk to others so easily as I did there, and have as much confidence as I did. During ∀NTIFEMINISM's show, I actually got brought on stage with them for a bit! I definitely did not expect that! I'm so thankful. After the show, we all hung out until closing at 2:00am. I also got to meet and talk with Yuji and Nozomi from カラット as well as Tomo from The Rhedoric, and Kon from CELL! I met 桃杏める also, and she was such a sweetheart! I wanted to see her live, but I wasn't able to make it, so I will go see her in Japan soon!  Everyone put on such a great show. This event really helped me come out of my shell and now i'm always looking forward to meeting and talking to people~ ^o^

Before getting to AX, I only expected to maybe get his autograph after the show if I was even lucky. I really have always looked up to him, he's such a hard worker, and when I feel like my brand is failing, I just remember that I have to work hard like him. Now I have his friendship and I couldn't ask for anything more. I have looked up to him for so many years with such respect. Please show everyone some support~

My first day of modeling!
He would always make fun of me for having the "stinkeye", so I kept giving him in his booth. Haha~

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