

At the beginning of the month in April, I will be closing NECROSARIUM for a bit. I am flying from Louisiana to Wyoming, and from Wyoming, Kaya and I will be driving to California. On the way to California, we will be driving through Utah and Arizona and taking a road trip through a couple cities as well as visiting Monument Valley, Zion National Park, Vermillion Cliffs, The Grand Canyon, Moab, and Death Valley. I really enjoyed Death Valley last year, although it is the hottest place on Earth, because it was my first time in a desert. I'm used to heat up to 115F, but just 80F in Death Valley was too extreme for me!... Even so, i'm really looking forward to this road trip~ I just hope I have enough gas money to get us through! Once we reach California, I will be living in the Monterey Bay area for quite some time, so I will be getting my scuba diving certification, diving equipment, and I will be taking photography of ocean life and studying them as well! I can't wait! ♡

Also, once I reach California, I should be rested enough to catch up on my work with NECROSARIUM and will have the time to introduce many new designs such as jabots, bows, headdresses, and more! I do need a small rest since I work day and night on my shop as well as a full-time job, so once I take that vacation, i'll be prepped to do much more~

I will be sure to post landscape and wildlife photography from my trip; I do my best with my photos, so I hope you will enjoy them! I may also make a Milky Way timelapse finally, it takes about 1 hour of snapping photos to create 5-8 seconds of video, so I know I will have time during the trip haha~


  1. This sounds like a really exciting trip! I want to travel America one day, but I am already in the wrong country for starters! I am looking forward to photos! Have a great time!

    1. Ohh, where is your country? ^^
      I will be sure to post many, I am so excited, I have never done this before~
