
Decayed Crow Series

After getting permission from the wonderful Raven Ranch Studio, I have started up a series of accessories named "Decayed Crow". These accessories use a heavy dark theme to accompany highly-realistic resin crow and rat skulls. I purchase these replica skulls direct from the lovely artist at full price and then incorporate them into my own art, so it's like a collaboration between us~

I'm planning to have many more items available for NECROSARIUM in May, possibly towards the middle or end of May, so these skulls will come back into play! I will also do a review of her skull work, I highly recommend her pieces! This is an older photo from months ago. This is my Decayed Crow bow. I need to update these photos, but you will see all of the new designs soon alongside this one!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just had a look for this Decayed Crow Bow on your website but can't find it for sale. Will you have any more available in the future??
    If so, would you mind flicking me an email (k3728.hy@gmail.com), I probably won't think to check back here again (>_<)
    Really love your work, looking forward to owning some of it :D
